Monday, March 31, 2014

Bulu Box April Review

So it's that time again! Bulu Box is back for a April sneak peek. Its another thing to help me keep thinking healthy positive. I have a goal I want to reach and sometimes everyone needs a little something to remind them and help them along the way. Besides my wonderful husband who is on this track with me. I get this monthly reminder. There will be at least one more after this month. From there we will see what will happen.

Once again if you have no clue what Bulu Box is you can find that info here.This will explain what it is, and how fun this subscription box can be! For those of you tuning in for the second preview of this. I am hoping to see you join up to and start this with me! I highly encourage it because it is really something cool to look forward to each month.
So Aprils Bulu Box Sneak Peek. Just like last review of this I am going to use this to show you all what came in it. From there random reviews will pop up with items from this Bulu Box with reviews. Without further ado. Bulu Box April.

So this months paper pamphlets in the box were a couple coupons for helping with weight loss products (Which for some people whom are about using pills for weight loss can be a great thing to see. They can be pricey so I can see some people getting excited about that. I personally will stick with the good olde' exercise and walking route to loss my weight. ) There was the normal paper with info on the products included in the box. As well as what looks to be like a small card marked:' YES!' I am assuming said card is to help motivate.

In total with the 'Yes!' card and the other products this box this month came with a total of seven products. Apparently the idea of the 'Yes! Change is easy card' is kind of what I thought it was about. It is to help motivate as well as helo let you monitor if your making progress on a daily basis. Which seems to be a all over pretty cool idea and I can see how that could work. I know for someone like me it may not work as well. I can write down whatever I want but unless I physically have something in my hands to be a goal for me. I kind of after a couple days start to stumble with it. At the end of the day rather then looking at a card I prefer to be able to physically see my goal reason for the whole thing or at least one of the reasons in front of me. Sipping tea and relaxing at the same time.

This brings us to HELP R&R Tea. Everyone knows that feeling at the top of ones game can sometimes be a struggle. Though for my tea lovers out there. Whom are kind of against medicine or would prefer a alternative medicine. This Tea is for you. It is meant to help with better and a more sound sleep, help with your digestion, sinuses and health in general. So this will be interesting to try and I can't wait.

The third thing I happen to pull out of the box was a Berlean's Omega Swirl Mango PEach. This is suppose to be a alternative to pills for getting your daily dosage of Omega-3's. This could be a interesting concept if the flavor is not to faint or over powering. I am highly interested in trying it. They are made to be a on the go thing so you can grab it on your way out the door if your running behind. Which is always clever thing to do anymore. Everyone is always in hustle mode.

On to the fourth product to come forth from the box. Another Smarty Pant's Vitamin product. Now I liked the last product so I do have to say I have high hopes for these ones as well. These ones are suppose to help with weight management. Which I can always use help with. Specially since I am trying to lose weight and get my other levels that need to be up up and those that need to be down down. At first I will admit I was confused why I got a product from them again then I realized it was a different type of vitamin and then it started to make sense.

Then there was the fifth. Mestrength. This powder is suppose to be added to water and helps you with hydration and strength. Because of what is in it, I will not be taking this till sometime in August/September when I am outside sweating from the heat at the Ren Fair. This will go into my kit of try this when it is the right time. Type of thing. So though I am excited you won't see this one pop up for a while. Sorry guys.

Body Glove Surge Energy Gel. This one was a little weird to me I will admit. At first I couldn't tell if you were meant to take it as is or put it in water. We figured it out of course. It seems like a interesting concept and I will be trying this out here soon in the near future. Specially since I tend to get tired quickly (I have really low Vitamin D levels so I lose energy quickly. Very quickly) So this should be a interesting try out to see if it helps giving me that extra kick I need through out the day.

Last but not least. Mediterranean Snacks has come out with a Tapaz 2 Go. This is a to go portion size of non GMO mini meal of Humus and lentil crackers. Now personally I am picky about humus my husband on the other hand is not as much. So we agreed to try this together. Get a full rounded view on it. See if it is something we would be interested in purchasing in the future. Either way it should be fun.

So this month box's is filled with many fun little things that I look forward to trying even if not right at the front of the moment. Keep checking back. Stay healthy, Get fit. Go get your Bulu Box now!

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