Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bulu Box Review

Welcome back Guys and Dolls. Today I bring you a special review. So there seems to be this new craze that has swept our nation. Subscription boxes. Most of you have probably have heard of them by now. If you haven't your probably scratching your head at this point. So let me back up a little. What is a subscription box?

A subscription box is a monthly box you receive with varying prices. Prices depend on the category of the box as well as company. You are able to sign up typically for one box or you can sign up for a consecutive months subscription. When you receive the box you typically receive anywhere from four to five samples (Occasionally a full size sample) of products that month to do with that category.

So that is what a subscription box is and there are literally all kinds of subscription box programs out there. It does not matter your age, gender or interest. Chances are if you do enough looking you will find a subscription box(es) that fit you. Whether you interest lie in beauty, food, outdoors or even health.

Which brings us to where we are going today. How many of you try your best to stay healthy? Or even have a goal to lose weight? Lets face it we all are trying one or the other if not both! One of the biggest issues I have run into personally is keeping up with what is out there to help with keeping healthy and in shape or even for helping to lose weight. I am no health nut by far, so I would not even know where to start looking other then possibly big box stores. Which if you haven't caught on yet, I am not a huge fan of.

I managed to weave my way through the sea of subscription boxes and found one that actually peeked my interest. So today I am bringing you BULU BOX! Well now you may be asking yourself what in the world's name is Bulu Box? Let me give you the short and skinny about Bulu Box. This is the first health, nutrition and weight loss discovery box. If you want more info on it you can find it under the tab marked Monthly Subscriptions.

What Came in Marches Box:
(I have not tried any of this yet but I do plan to start to next week.)

Slimming Smoothie
This is a protein that helps curb those hunger pains. They typically come in a two pound tub or in portioned packs which are nice for people on the go. The flavor in which mine came in was Vanilla. I am not sure how many different flavors it comes in other then Vanilla and Chocolate though. None the less the portion pack boxs comes twelve to a pack for thirty nine dollars and ninety nine cents. (USD)

Flapjacked Protein Pancakes
These protein pack breakfast will help give you the energy in the morning that you need to make it through the day. Ingredients include in these are things like quinoa, whole oats and lean muscle building whey protein isolate. They typically come in a pouch that contains fifteen serves. This item normally running at nineteen dollars and ninety nine cents. (USD) They seem interesting enough and I do plan on most likely giving them a try here in the near future. In which case you will be able to keep your eyes peeled for the review on this product.

Neocell Beauty Bursts
This product is suppose to do the same thing as taking the Biotin pills do. They are meant to help with your hair, nails and skin. Though instead of that gross taste you get from the pills you can have a nice burst of flavor! This is actually a really interesting idea and I may be investing in them in the future since I typically take Biotin. I will do a review on these later. I will probably also do a comparison between these and Biotin to find out which one is better or more so worth the money! These come in two flavors Mine was Fresh Mint Chocolate but they apparently also come in super fruit punch. Sixty chews to a bag at nineteen dollars and ninety five cents. (USD)

Now this is a interesting product and I was excited to see it. It is a Herbal Allergy Relief medication. This is maid of concentrated herbal extracts that work both alone and together to immediately support nasal, sinus and eye health and provide dramatic seasonal allergy relief without a prescription. So this will be interesting to try in a couple more weeks when spring starts up! These come in a forty count bottle at sixteen dollars and ninety nine cents (USD.)

Smarty Pants
These are kind of cute. I know people that can't swallow pills. On occasion's its just something that is hard to do in general depending on the size of the pill. These are all in one gummy multivitamins as well as includes Omega 3's and Vitamin D. They have no fructose corn syrup in them, which I can see being a HUGE selling point. No artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. Though are still very naturally flavorful. So I will go out on a limb and say these probably taste twenty times better then swallowing those horse pills. They come a hundred and eight to a bottle at twenty nine dollars and ninety five cents (USD.)


Ooberluxe seems to be a way to organize your life a bit. It's exact description is: a super intuitive, reservation-making, order-taking travel + virtual assistant. I received a month long membership for it. I may look more into this and let you know what this is all about how it works and whom it would be good for. Though I may also wait to see if anyone actually shows interest in knowing more about it.

So this box for a one month subscription is ten dollars. As you can see noted above just in one of those products this box was well worth the box. It also really kind of amped me up a little to really start doing the working out I need to do. So far I am loving it and think everyone who is looking to stay healthy and fit should give it at least a look see and try for one month at the least.

I do have two more months of this so keep your eyes open, for more healthy and fit things coming your way.

What are you waiting for! It's time to get healthy and stay fit. Click on the image below to head over to Bulu Box Now! Act now and use the promo code: BULUGAN892 and you will receive 50% OFF!

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